Sunday, March 27, 2011

Charlie Sheen, Funny or Unacceptable?

It seems you cant go very far now adays without hearing a "biwinning" comment or another one of actor Charlie Sheen's now famous tacky and slick one liners.

Sheen, once the celebrated star actor in the cit-com "Two-and-a-Half Men", is now celebrated for a far more unique reason. His drug habits and rockstar lifestyle.

It seems that the world has turned a blind eye to responsibility and morality when it comes to Sheen. We embrace his addiction to hard drugs like cocaine, and we embrace his arrogance about the illegal and dangerous life he leads. But instead of demeaning his behavior, the public has placed Sheen on top of a pedestal.

Bi-Winning song

Songs like this are produced every day to make humor out of the situation, when in reality, this is a man in great danger of losing his life, while simultaneously putting drugs in a "GOOD" light.

Charlie Sheen should be ashamed of his actions, but he celebrates them. We as the public should not enjoy his problems, rather recognize the severity of the situation!